La película en cuestión se llama Where the Heart is (2000) y la terminé viendo en un par de horas muertas para pasar el rato. Pensé que sería una comedia romántica se lo más normalita pero resutltó que no. Es muy recomendable.
En fin, al tema.
Escena entre Lexie y Novalee
Lexie: Novalee, you never thought you deserved Forney. You never thought you were good enough for him. Honey, I know that your mother walked out on you and what that butthole Willy Jack did. But that is what makes them trash, not you.
Escena entre Novalee y Willy Jack
Willy Jack: Why does anyone lie? Because they are scared or crazy or just mean. I mean these are the main reasons to lie, Novalee. And sometimes you tell a lie so big it changes your whole life. A lie so big it makes you think: I’d do anything if I just had one change to set it straight. Just one chance to change it. You don’t know what I mean.
Novalee: Yeah, I do.
¡Esto es todo por hoy!
És de les meves pel·lis prefes de la Portman i la primera que vaig veure d'ella :) m'encanta!!
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